According to tradition, the celebration starts from Thursday in the first week of August with the arrival of sons and daughters, well wishers and guests from other places to the town. The Thursday is devoted for house cleaning ceremony and pouring of libation at the respective shrines of the various families as well as keeping of vigil.

At dawn on Friday, the two companies (Asafo) beat their respective drums to summon their members for the onward march to Luhuese which is on the outskirts of Big Ada where they are compelled.

According to ancient custom, all young men who attain puberty age are then initiated into their respective Asafo companies by teaching them how to handle, load a gun and fire same for the first time.

This is followed by war formation and the initiates being taught the ancient tactics of warfare. This continues until late afternoon when they return to Big-Ada dressed in traditional military attire and clad with leaves and palm branches signifying conquering heroes returning from the war fronts amid firing of musketry and war cries.

Singing, firing of musketry and dancing continue until sunset when the procession continues to “Kpomkpo-Panya” (the place which served as the departing point for warriors going to wars as well as the landing point for soldiers returning from wars) where the Asafo companies form a single file along the riverside and fire three consecutive volleys into the river, dip their feet into it and wash their hands to indicate the carrying away of all evil and bad omens of the years and looking forward to all the good in store for the years ahead. All the followers of the Asafo companies follow the custom of feet dipping and hand washing ceremony. The procession then disperses and everyone retires to their homes amid songs of jubilation.

CREDIT: Wikipedia